
Prenuptial Agreements

Your Partner in Family Legal Matters

Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are contracts between people who are planning to marry one another. While nobody plans to get a divorce before they are even married, prenuptial agreements can remove some of the uncertainty surrounding the financial issues of both marriage and a potential future divorce. These agreements can remove some of the uncertainty of the future, and are not just for the extremely wealthy. They can facilitate a discussion of financial expectations, ensure full financial awareness before marriage, and lay out certain expectations should the marriage end in a divorce. All divorces involve the issues of spousal support (even if the issue is resolved by agreeing that there will not be any) and property division.  Prenuptial agreements can limit or eliminate alimony, and offer protection of non-marital assets.  They can also determine how divorces will be handled, and limit the exposure to unnecessary litigation.